пятница, 7 февраля 2020 г.


Of course, the panel disposes of any HMI functionalities. Find your way to a press release without typing. With the integrated PLC also logical connections with the visualization can be implemented directly. What is a QR-code? The operator panels are available with the operating system Windows CE 5. Permanently increase the availability of your systems with the help of targeted, rapid analysis options.

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This gives you the benefit of maximum supplier independence for the future while also letting you apply your own experience or perform optimisation work in-house. Zebon your way to a press release without typing. With the integrated PLC also logical connections with the visualization can be implemented directly. A software decrypts the QR-code and directs you to a web page - so you do not even need to know the web address to reach it.

The backlit display can be dimmed and switched-off. Of course, the panel disposes of any HMI functionalities. Long-term reporting lets you identify weaknesses or sources visualisieruny error that you can resolve well in advance of problems with targeted preventive actions. With the aluminium diecast box and industrial protection IP65 on the front side, the panels are also suitable for application in harsh industrial environment.

With the integrated in- and outputs it constitutes a fully operative small controller.

age-ngineering GmbH | Ihr Spezialist für industrielle Automation

This is especially practical for use with modern tablets e. The operator panels are available with the operating system Windows CE 5. With the available components the use of an external PLC is redundant. Press release as ZIP file. Furthermore it can visualisieerung expanded by the standard in- and output modules of systems V and V which are mounted on the backside. Care has also being taken to ensure that menus are clear-cut, intuitive and touchscreen-ready.

IGZ Automation is the right partner if you're looking for a quality visualisation system. How does scanning a QR-code work?

The basis is the Siemens WinCC platform, which you receive as open system software. Use the QR-code shown zrnon the print version of each press release to get redirected to the corresponding page on PresseBox with your smartphone without typing the URL manually.

QR-codes work like bar codes, which you can find on your milk carton, for example.


Sorry, but you have to be logged in to monitor a press release. Please send the following information to my e-mail address: Just follow these simple steps. The complete press kit of the company. Permanently increase the availability of your systems with the help of targeted, rapid analysis options. Everything you need is an web-enabled mobile phone or smartphone with a built-in camera and a QR-code reading software. What is a QR-code?

WinCC visualisation — Predefined enhancement for visualisoerung plant systems. Download now User rights. The level of detail extends down to individual sensors and actuators, thus enabling early detection of problems. Zfnon operator panels will be offered in the sizes already known from 8.

Visualisierjng software installation can be realized by SD-card or network. QR stands for Quick Response - with one step you can quickly reach a website. This enables the availability of plant systems to be visualised at-a-glance.

Show video User rights.

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