понедельник, 27 января 2020 г.


The above referred validations are applicable to Regular and Correction statements pertaining to FY onwards. Addition of new field i. The same is applicable to the regular and C3 type of correction Statement pertaining to FY onwards. This version of FVU is applicable with effect from January 11, This is applicable from Financial Year onwards. Key features of FVU version 5. tds fvu

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This version of FVU is applicable with effect from June 28, The certain fields are as below: This is applicable when the landlords are other than Government organization and Non-Residents. This version of FVU is applicable with effect from October 07, Renewed Encryption certificate with extended validity has been integrated in FVUs.

This is only Applicable for Section A. This is applicable when the lenders are Non-Residents.

tds fvu

In this post we will be discussing about the key features of the latest File validation utility i. This is applicable when landlords are Government organizations i. This version of FVU is applicable with effect from October 02, New FVU Changes in v5.

tds fvu

These fields may contain below-mentioned values along with structurally valid PAN, only when Tdds of the lender is not available. The same is applicable for the regular and C3 type of correction Statement pertaining to FY onwards. This version of FVU is applicable with effect from January 11, Any 10 digit alpha-numeric values will be allowed under this field.

tds fvu

Nature of remittance option present dts deductee details for Form 27Q is mandatory from FY onwards. Salary details from F. The above-referred validations are applicable for Regular and Correction C3 statements pertaining to FY onwards.

It is applicable for the Regular and C3 type of Correction Statement i. It will be applicable to correction C3 and regular statements.

File TDS Returns and Generate Form-16s Online

The above referred validations are applicable to Regular and Correction statements pertaining to FY onwards. The above-referred validations are applicable to Regular and Correction statements pertaining to FY onwards. This version of FVU is applicable with effect from February 23, Key features of FVU version 5. Change in validations for section code CC i.

These fields may contain any value from the below mentioned when the landlord does not have PAN. This version of FVU is applicable with effect from June 9, This is applicable cvu lenders are Government organizations i.

This is applicable when the landlords are Non-Residents. The state code of employer made mandatory in all correction statements i. In this post, we will be discussing rvu the key features of the latest File validation utility i. The same is applicable to the regular and C3 type of correction Statement pertaining to FY onwards.

Existing Validation of structurally valid PAN relaxed. No acceptance for the file validated with old FVU version.

File Validation Utility

This is applicable from Financial Year onwards. Let us know your opinion on this by commenting below. This is applicable when the lenders are other than Government organization and Non-Residents.

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